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Approved April 1979; Revised April 1984; February 1990; May 1991; May 1995; May 2000; April 2015 (Addendums regarding tax exempt status attached)


Section 1. The name of this organization is the Oregon Council of Teachers of English (OCTE).

Section 2. This organization shall be operated exclusively for literary and educational purposes. Subject to the limitations stated in the articles of the association and bylaws, the purposes of this organization shall be to engage in any lawful activities, none of which are for profit, for which associations may be organized under Chapter 65 of the Oregon Revised Statutes (or its corresponding future provisions) and Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or its corresponding future provisions).

The purposes of this organization are:

A. To stimulate professional development and improve the quality of English language arts instruction at all educational levels.

B. To provide opportunity for group study and discussion of issues which confront the language arts and literacy teachers of Oregon.

C. To provide resources and support to educators of ELA and other subject areas and organizations in the teaching of literacy and to promote life-long learning.

D. To act as a clearinghouse by circulating information of value and informing teachers of current educational trends and research findings.

E To provide opportunities for continual professional growth to language arts and literacy teachers at all levels.

F. To stimulate and promote research in the study and teaching of English language arts and literacy.

G. To publish significant findings in the form of bulletins, monographs, journals, newsletters, website, or other social media.

H. To bring leaders in the language arts, literacy, and literary fields before the Council.

I. To participate in other language arts activities in the region, such as those of the State Department of Education, school districts, other language arts organizations, and in the regional and national activities of the National Council of Teachers of English.

J. To foster regionalism and internationalism among teachers of the language arts and literacy in the Pacific Northwest through conferences, information exchanges, publications and professional activities.

K. To be representative of the increased cultural diversity of our schools and the LGBTQ community.

L. To support students’ right to read without unjustified censorship.

M. To maintain national contacts through affiliation with the National Council of Teachers of English. (NCTE).


Section 1. Eligibility. Anyone interested in the teaching and supervision of English, language arts, reading, and literacy at any school level may become a member. Any full-time college student who is interested in promoting literacy may become a student member.

Section 2. Dues for membership shall be set by the Board of Directors and are payable to the treasurer. Renewal notices shall be sent in a timely manner.

A. Arrears. Any member who has not renewed membership becomes inactive. Only members in good standing will receive the benefits of the Council or be eligible to vote on Council matters or serve as officers.

B. National dues. Membership in NCTE will be strongly recommended.


Section 1. The Council has a Board of Directors.

A. The Board of Directors meets at least three times a year to plan the activities and to conduct the business of the Council.

B. The term of membership is three years and is renewable. The Board establishes and selects its own membership. Each Board member must be a current member of OCTE and NCTE.

C. Board of Director members shall not receive salaries for their board services.

D. Board members are expected to attend at least two-thirds of the board meetings held during an academic year. Failure to do so may result in removal from the board.

E. Any Board member may be removed, with or without cause, at an officially called meeting where that has been identified as an agenda item. A two-thirds majority vote of the Board members is required.

Section 2. Officers. The officers of OCTE are a president, a president-elect, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, a historian, and a past-president. Each must be a current member of OCTE and NCTE.

A. Elections and Terms. Officers are nominated by a Nominating Committee and elected at the annual business meeting or by mail or electronic ballot by a majority vote of members responding. The term of office of president, president-elect, and past-president is two years each. The term of office of the other officers is also two years. Officers who do not move through the chairs (vice-president, secretary, treasurer, ­­ historian) may run for additional consecutive terms in the same office. Terms of office begin July 1.

B. Duties.

1. The president presides at all meetings, appoints the chairs of all standing committees, appoints chairs and mem­bers of ad hoc committees, conducts the business of the Council, is general chair in charge of committee activities, and serves as an NCTE Director.

2. The immediate past-president serves in an advisory capacity and chairs the Nominating Committee.

3. The president-elect presides in the absence of the president, assumes the office of the president if it is vacated, is the chair of the Program Committee coordinating the internal programs of the Council, and serves as NCTE Liaison Officer and NCTE Director.

4. The vice-president serves as chair of the Membership Committee, coordinating special projects and activities, and is the official parliamentarian of the Board and the Council. This officer sends notices of dues payable, maintains complete and accurate membership records, and supplies essential information from these records to other Board members.

5. The secretary keeps complete and accurate minutes of all official Board and members, meetings, and actions and promptly distributes copies to all Board members. The secretary is responsible for distributing notices of all meetings of the Board and members and for the authentication of the records of the Council. The secretary keeps a permanent book of all minutes and proceedings of the Council.

6. The treasurer is the chair of the Finance Committee, collects dues, holds and manages all money, pays all bills, keeps full and accurate accounts of all financial records, makes financial reports as to the financial condition of the organization to the Board and the Council membership, makes the required annual reports to the Oregon Secretary of State and Department of Justice, and provides complete information for financial audits and required tax filings.

7. The historian keeps copies of council minutes, flyers, programs, newsletters, reports, and journals for the Council archives, and serves on the Membership Committee..

C. Removal from Office. An officer may be removed from office, with or without cause, at an officially called meeting where that has been identified as an agenda item. A two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Director members is required. The decision of the board shall be final and shall not be reviewable by any court or the OCTE membership.

D. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office is filled by appointment by the president in consultation with the Executive Committee.


Section 1. The time, number, and place of Council and Board of Director meetings are determined by the Board.

Section 2. Special meetings are called by the Executive Committee of the Board or by the call of fifty percent of the Board or at least five percent of the Council membership. Such calls for special meetings shall describe the purpose for the meeting.

Section 3. An annual business meeting of the Council shall be held.

Section 4. A quorum consists of those members present at any official meeting of the Council announced at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

Section 5. The rules contained in Roberts' Rules of Order, latest revised edition, govern the Oregon Council of Teachers of English in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the constitution and by-laws of the organization.


Section 1. The standing committees of the Council are the Executive Committee, the Program Committee, the Membership Committee, the Publicity and Publications Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Finance Committee, the Research Committee, the Professional Action Committee, and the Social Committee.

Section 2. The Executive Committee consists of the president, who acts as its chair, the president-elect, the vice-president, the secretary, the treasurer, and the historian.

A. The Executive Committee executes the functions of the Board of Directors when timely action is required and prohibits convening of the Board. In addition, the Executive Committee appoints the Editor and, in consultation with the Editor, the Editorial Board of the Oregon English Journal, and the Editor of the newsletter, who serve renewable three-year terms.

B. Actions of the Executive Committee are ultimately subject to majority approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. In consultation with the Executive Committee, the president appoints the chairs of the various committees unless otherwise stipulated from the Board and the committee members. Not all committee members need be Board members.

Section 4. The Program Committee consists of the president-elect (its chair), and at least four other members. Its function is to arrange all details in connection with the programs held by the Council. It coordinates with other committees as needed.

Section 5. The Membership Committee consists of the vice-president (its chair), the historian, and at least two additional members. Its function is to promote membership and to analyze the distribution of membership according to geography, grade level, and subject area. It maintains complete and accurate membership records and coordinates mailing renewal notices

Section 6. The Publicity and Publications Committee consists of the chair and at least two other members chosen from the board. It has charge of publicity, including the publication of conference advertisement and other Council bulletins, website, monographs, newsletters or journals. The Publicity and Publications Committee supervises the Editor and Editorial Board of the Oregon English Journal and the Council newsletter.

Section 7. The Nominating Committee consists of the past-president (its chair) and three other members. Its function is to prepare a slate for the biannual election.

Section 8. The Finance Committee consists of the treasurer (its chair), and members of the Executive Committee. Its function is to develop financial policy and to oversee the financial affairs of the Council, develop and propose for adoption an annual budget no later than October 31, at the direction of the Board of Directors.

Section 9. The Research Committee consists of a chair and at least two other members. Its function is to encourage, support, screen, and/or conduct research relevant to the purposes of the Council and the teaching of English and language arts and to disseminate findings.

Section 10. The Professional Action Committee consists of a chair and two other members. Its function is to coordinate Council action on matters pertaining to the welfare and aspirations of the profession.

Section 11. The Social Committee consists of a chair and other member(s). Its function is to organize all social activities of the Council and Board of Directors, usually in conjunction with the Program Committee.


Section 1. This organization, being entitled to representation on the Board of Directors of the National Council of Teachers of English, elects those members of the Board which it is entitled to name, except where that responsibility is stipulated by office.


Section 1. Amendments to this constitution may be made by a two-thirds majority of the Council members voting,, provided that notice to the membership has been given at least two weeks prior to the vote.


In the event of the dissolution of the Oregon Council of Teachers of English, the assets of the organization will be donated to the National Council of Teachers of English, or to another charitable organization as determined by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership.

Addendums:  Adopted 6/30/2009 for tax exempt status

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